Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Me with Valentine's Flowers from Darling

written in the card,
" What a grand thing, to be loved. What a grander thing still, to love!!"

I feel so glad, dunno how to explain it..
Watched Briget Jones 2 last night...It's really funny. It seems that Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) is too good to be true, though we all hope that Mark Darcy really exists (optimally many similars), He has...
Good looks
is a lawyer
ABOVE ALL... HE LOVES Briget Jones and is obsessed by her (though he is very subtle)!!!! No matter how fat, humiliating she is at times...

...Somehow I thought to myself, I must not become like BJ, ...otherwise... >_<
(cos Ian darling is so much like Mark Darcy right now! Whenever I saw Colin Firth in the movie, I just thought of IAN...)

Friday, February 11, 2005

Third year CNY gathering at JIN LING on 10/2/05


We had so much food (again)
-tea and rice (unlimited)
-soup (green and red legume and pork)
-fish (lo yu?!)
-peipa tofu
-veg (choi sum)
-giant crabs (as shown above)

(not sure if I have missed out anything...)

It was such a lovely occasion, because
(i) The HK third years meet up for a meal, this hadnt happen for around 2 years already. This might probably one of the last chance that we would have as a reunion, while we are still in Cambridge before we all graduate and going in all directions.
(ii) I havent been to Jin Ling for a very long time!!! around 10 months?
(iii) So much nice food!
(iv) After dinner, Lydia, Kaikai, Wilson and I pretended that we wanted to hang out a bit, but Sam didnt really know our intentions...we deliberated hung around at CLOWNS, and sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sam at midnight! Suprise in the most subtle manner! Lucky boy, CNY plus birthday, how can it be better?

How on earth is Leo wearing a pair of washing up gloves?

For this gathering, each of us was to wear something red.
Poor leo, did not have any piece of clothing which is red, so he took his washing up gloves as part of his New Year costume! I must say it is extremely innovative!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Lydia and me
Occasion: Third year Chinese New Year Gathering in Jin Ling.


check out these funny ads and pics~

Needa catch up with work...been occupied with so many other things for the past few nights. Will be so busy as well in the next few coming nights as well...

Last night, Chinese New Year's Eve. When everyone out there was celebrating, I was...SLEEPING!!!! Hahaha...got out of lecture at 6pm, could hardly kept my eyes open. Got back to my room, took a shower and headed to bed at 7.30pm (didnt even have dinner) ...slept and slept...got up at 8 something this morning. INCREDIBLE! I needed to catch up with sleep so much!

李敏's column in apple daily today..This came out at such a perfect time. I am enlightened.

讓 男 人 花 點 錢

很 多 女 人 都 愛 阻 止 男 人 買 無 聊 東 西 , 甚 麼 絕 版 VCD , 甚 麼 兩 座 位 跑 車 , 在 精 打 細 算 的 女 人 眼 中 都 是 不 必 要 的 , 她 們 會 勸 男 人 多 儲 點 錢 。 事 實 上 很 多 男 人 儲 不 到 錢 就 是 因 為 在 這 花 一 點 , 那 花 一 點 。

最 近 朋 友 B 置 了 業 , 他 說 工 作 情 緒 突 然 高 昂 , 如 今 早 上 起 床 有 一 個 原 因 。 有 時 候 讓 男 人 花 錢 才 可 令 他 們 更 努 力 賺 錢 , 問 題 是 花 錢 應 該 買 男 人 的 心 頭 好 還 是 女 人 的 心 頭 好 ?

到 錶 行 選 錶 , 售 貨 員 不 斷 游 說 我 買 較 貴 的 那 一 款 , 她 說 : 「 女 人 錫 男 人 的 荷 包 , 所 以 男 人 就 更 應 該 買 點 東 西 來 疼 錫 女 人 , 反 正 這 些 都 是 女 人 慳 回 來 的 。 」 售 貨 員 即 是 售 貨 員 , 女 顧 客 聽 了 買 得 心 安 理 得 , 而 男 人 又 不 敢 反 駁 。

賢 淑 女 子 常 有 一 個 壞 習 慣 , 就 是 不 讓 男 人 花 錢 買 任 何 無 聊 東 西 , 不 僅 是 給 自 己 或 是 給 情 人 。 長 期 如 此 是 非 常 傷 感 情 的 , 即 使 你 不 准 他 買 《 魔 戒 》 限 量 版 VCD , 也 要 批 准 他 買 汽 車 裝 飾 物 , 否 則 很 快 他 就 會 覺 得 你 似 家 長 多 過 情 人 。

而 最 笨 的 女 人 就 是 不 讓 男 人 買 無 聊 禮 物 給 自 己 , 反 正 他 不 花 錢 在 你 身 上 也 會 把 錢 花 在 其 他 無 聊 之 處 , 那 不 如 益 益 自 己 。

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Josh cooked ----> Red Quinoa-
It's the first time I tried it!

Red Quinoa (copied from the packet)- "One of the most sacred foods of the ancient Incas of South America. Nourishing, delicious and vital that they called it chesiya mama, the Mother Grain. It is one of the most ancient of all Quinoas and is now quite rare. Quinoa is superior to other grains because it is a complete protein, containing a higher quality of protein than any other grain. It is technically a seed, not a grain, and is gluten free. When cooked, the grain itself is soft and delicate, but the germ is crunchy, creating an interesting combination of textures. It is light, tasty and easy to digest. It is an excellent meat substitue in vegetarian dishes. It can be used in stir fries, soups, stews, slads and many recipes. It is ready to eat with minimal cooking. It may also be sprouted and then eaten raw."

Besides the Quinoa, we also had,

-Fried Tofu with mixed herbs and soy sauce.
- Stirfry courgette with tofu.
- Kai's mushroom stirfry.
- Chocolate fondue as dessert.

There were too much food! Josh could bring back all the left over back to Churchill as his Sunday lunch and dinner!

Cook out with Josh and Kai-En

From left: Boffin, Josh, Kai-En, and ME

Saturday, February 05, 2005

What else could I be?

Check these out~


http://www.boombastick.net/ <------ find the animations! They are funny! Poor Mr. Boomba!

Still writing an essay on The evolution of brain and intelligence! Must get it done tonight! But I just get distracted so much and I cant sit still!!! This essay is really interesting, it raised my awareness to issues which I didn't realise before. Comparative & Evolutionary Psychologists must have a very hard time...I guess Developmental Psychologists as well...They are people who deal with animals and babies, who don't have (not yet have acquired) language!!! Thus explaining behavioural results are so difficult! The danger of anthropomorphism and attributing more complicated explanations to phenomena while a simple one would suffice. Thought provoking indeed!

Was quite upset at the beginning of the week when my brother told me that he's not gonna come to my place for half term. Later when we eventually had a telephone conversation which lasted for 76 minutes at least, and when he told me about his little *secret*...I felt a little better. Haha...perhaps I feel worthy as a sister gua...(As a older sister of course I hope my brother would like to share his happiness and problems with me~)...It is also until now, I start to realise I am NOSEY! HOHOHO...I would do whatever I can to check out someone (someone whose information could grant me such a surge of motivation, usually people I am interested in) Perhaps I shouldnt be a student and be a private detective, or a secret agent, or be one of those tabloids' journalist who peep on celebrities! kakakaka.....