Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Will you survive the corporate jungle?

Today I dressed up deliberately (see pic:Amanda @ IRC) so that I looked professional, and left office asap after 6pm; all because I have reserved a place at a seminar organised by Classified Post of South China Morning Post heading "WILL YOU SURVIVE THE COROPORATE JUNGLE?", which started at 7pm. Gosh, it was a mad rush. Got on 69X, got to CWB at around half six, it was quite a distance to walk to the actual MTR train from Times Square!!!! And even I got out of WanChai MTR station, there was still a long way to walk from there to HK Convention and Exhibition Centre!!! Though I got there in time, it was so hectic! While I was on my way, I saw my Dad's elderly Uncle and Auntie, they were in CWB MTR station walking very slowly...they didn't see me though, I wanted to greet them, but then I was in such a rush....I thought, perhaps there is really coincidence in life...that ppl who are close in some way (ie family) tend to bumped into each other more often even they live in totally different area?? so amazing~

The seminar itself went well...though i would like them to have offered us some refreshments (as it's from 7.00pm to around 9.45pm) ...oh's HK...Can't expect that much...Considering the size of audience and the's reasonable I guess. There were 7 eminent speakers, divided into 2 groups for 2 panel discussions. Each speaker sort of told the audience about how their career paths unfolded, and their advice on how to cope with stress, passion, reality...etc. Very inspiring and thought provoking too. The moderator, Alison Chang, the Managing Director of COREsearch, encouraged the audience asking question by offering an opportunity to dine with the speakers. I.e. If someone asked a speaker a question, and that the speaker thought that the question was a good one, then he/she would choose that particular member of the audience to give away his/her signed namecard. And with that name card, that particular memeber of the audience could contact the speaker to arrange a meal to discuss anythin he/she wishes.

So...I was tempted by such attractive offer...I failed to ask any question in the first session, so I decided to try my luck in the second session. One of the speakers at the second panel discussion were the senior medical officer at Kwai Chung Hospital, Dr. S.N. Chiu, who is a psychiatrist. He gave a brief presentation on what is EQ and how to cope with stress. I so wanted to have the opportunity to meet up with a medical professional who is likely to be able to offer me realistic help and advice on the clinical psychology field!!! I thought of a question which was highly relevant to what he was talking about and was patiently waiting for my chance to raise my hand....My heart was racing, legs feeling shaky even before I raised my hand...I knew I was damn nervous. I wanted to overcome my nerves. I was watching questions being taken and got more and more desperate... When Alison asked if anymore questions from the audience, I raised my hand immediately even I was not quite prepared....then...the microphone was passed to me...I asked Dr Chiu whose responsibility he thinks it is to educate and to increase the awareness of the general public that it is normal to seek help with any mental disorders; and that there are help and support available within community besides medical professionals before one is mentally disturbed. Is it the government? education authorities? Hospital authority?? And if there is a clear direction/plan where it is going? The problem is Chinese are ashamed of letting others know that he/she has been visiting mental institutions.He answered that each sector does a bit of job in teaching the general public, but more coordination is required. It is improving.

After asking my question, I was hoping that I would get picked so that I could have that opportunity to dine with Dr. Chiu. I was sort of like praying/begging in my heart. AND at the end......

I DID GET PICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overly excited.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

數 碼 港

Dunno why, I found the below article quite amusing, especially the final few sentences.


數 碼 港女 人 的 迪 士 尼

數 碼 港 無 甚 新 聞 價 值 , 不 過 早 陣 子 做 了 幾 天 港 聞 版 主 角 , 一 句 「 給 數 碼 港 一 個 機 會 」 , 成 為 Soho 區 吧 上 似 笑 非 笑 的 歡 樂 時 光 開 場 joke 。 官 商 勾 結 這 碼 事 , 本 來 行 之 已 久 , 誰 也 沒 當 一 回 事 。 數 碼 港 卻 剛 好 碰 上 這 個 「 結 」 , 成 為 官 商 底 交 易 的 代 名 詞 。 後 來 , 數 碼 港 更 被 踢 爆 , 遍 植 假 植 物 , 在 烈 日 下 , 發 出 陣 陣 惡 臭 的 瘀 事 。 又 有 記 者 專 程 去 試 吃 那 四 十 元 一 碗 的 雲 吞 , 和 發 掘 寫 字 樓 十 室 九 空 的 租 務 慘 情 。 唯 一 搬 入 的 高 科 技 製 作 公 司 , 在 西 斜 的 海 景 寫 字 樓 , 窗 簾 卻 是 長 關 的 , 電 腦 芒 沒 法 享 受 貝 沙 灣 式 豪 華 無 敵 靚 景 。 在 眾 多 糗 事 頭 , 只 有 一 樣 可 以 吹 水 的 , 就 是 《 無 間 道 Ⅲ 》 大 部 份 在 此 取 景 。 那 些 中 四 女 學 生 輕 聲 歡 呼 說 很 cyber feel 的 場 景 , 是 從 未 出 租 過 的 數 碼 辦 公 大 樓 。 假 使 租 客 有 意 思 , 地 產 經 紀 給 他 一 隻 電 影 DVD 就 得 了 , 不 必 長 途 跋 涉 , 浪 費 汽 油 。
數 碼 港 的 「 政 治 爭 拗 」 , 隨 曾 特 首 正 式 就 任 , 塵 埃 落 定 , 拗 都 無 謂 之 下 , 稍 事 平 息 。 但 那 邊 廂 , 娛 樂 版 醒 目 動 員 , 長 期 留 守 在 數 碼 港 的 狗 仔 隊 , 漸 見 隊 形 。 明 星 闊 佬 有 錢 仔 少 在 IFC 蒲 頭 , 卻 喜 歡 在 蚊 也 不 多 隻 的 數 碼 港 戲 院 和 酒 店 現 身 。 閒 日 的 數 碼 港 , 最 合 私 情 發 展 , 想 安 排 私 情 曝 點 光 , 增 加 籌 碼 , 數 碼 港 實 在 比 澳 門 更 方 便 就 腳 。 數 碼 港 , 不 宜 講 數 , 數 口 精 叻 的 女 人 , 會 度 到 絕 橋 , 泊 住 大 碼 頭 , 死 命 不 放 手 。 數 碼 港 叫 做 Cyberport , 進 出 酒 店 一 雙 雙 的 男 女 主 角 , 有 血 有 肉 , 是 絕 不 cyber sex 的 。 喔 , 再 形 容 下 去 , 得 要 給 文 章 打 格 仔 了 。 見 過 世 面 的 女 人 , 才 不 稀 罕 你 請 她 去 迪 士 尼 , 要 玩 , 約 我 去 數 碼 港 吧 。

數 碼 港 (Cyberport), is where I am working right now since 3 weeks ago. I am now working temporarily as a promotor in a cyber library called I-Resource Centre, managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Managment Company Limited.

Me at work at my desk, taken on 10Aug. Thanks Sam for the pic!

Hehehe...since I am there to promote... I might take this opportunity to promote here as well, COME AND VISIT (me)!!!!

Another pic of me
Can't remember when this was taken.
Just remember that evening I had dinner with Dr. Cheuk.

What's in IRC???
It has...

(i) COMPUTERS...(OBVIOUSLY!!! What so special about those computers??? It has a no. of powerful search engines, namely, FACTIVA, WISER, GARTNER REPORTS and IDC REPORTS, targeted at business and industrial users.)

(ii) NEWSPAPERS...Paper ones and electronic ones... including Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times, South China Morning Post...

(iii) MAGAZINES....again we have paper ones and electronic ones...Paper ones include, Asiaweek, CEO, CAPITAL, HI-TECH, IDN, Creative Arts, xbox and playstation mags from the UK and US, Web design mag from Japan....And there are just too many electronic ones to be mentioned!!! The Economist, Fortune, Newsweek, The Barrons......etc etc....

(iv)REFERENCE BOOKS on 3D animation, internet design, graphic design


(vi) Scanner (B/W only), Printer (B/W and Colour), Fascimile machine (free sending locally) for use (charges incur)

(vii) XBOXes and over 70 game discs!!!!

(viii) HANDSOME GUYS and ME!

Address: IT Street, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road Hong Kong

YO! Come and see for yourself~

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Let's Go … … Let Go


Let's Go … … Let Go

字 形 與 發 音 皆 相 似 , 卻 有 南 轅 北 轍 的 意 思 。 去 吧 ! 要 是 喜 歡 便 去 追 求 吧 ! 放 吧 ! 要 是 他 不 愛 你 了 , 就 放 手 吧 ! 是 展 開 一 段 戀 情 容 易 , 還 是 結 束 一 段 戀 情 容 易 ? 答 案 看 來 不 問 可 知 , 其 實 未 必 。 她 對 他 傾 心 , 無 奈 三 番 四 次 遭 他 拒 絕 , 原 因 , 他 說 他 另 有 所 愛 , 儘 管 對 方 不 愛 他 。 感 情 被 錯 配 , 她 死 心 不 息 , 相 信 守 得 雲 開 見 月 明 。 另 一 邊 廂 , 她 與 他 在 失 意 時 相 遇 , 因 為 寂 寞 , 所 以 一 起 了 。 本 來 她 對 這 段 戀 情 不 存 厚 望 , 發 展 下 來 , 卻 意 識 到 自 己 深 深 愛 上 了 他 。 然 而 , 就 在 這 時 , 他 向 她 提 出 分 手 。
到 底 是 牽 手 難 , 還 是 分 手 難 ? 或 許 不 管 是 合 是 離 , 愛 得 深 , 便 自 然 難 。 林 憶 蓮 有 首 歌 , 叫 《 傷 痕 》 , 李 宗 盛 說 : 「 愛 有 多 銷 魂 , 就 有 多 傷 人 , 你 若 勇 敢 愛 了 , 就 要 勇 敢 分 。 」 因 為 困 難 重 重 , 所 以 愛 得 更 深 , 所 以 勇 往 直 前 ; 因 為 愛 得 深 , 即 使 困 難 重 重 , 也 不 肯 放 手 。 「 在 愛 情 開 始 時 要 得 到 雙 方 同 意 , 為 何 在 分 手 時 可 以 單 方 面 決 定 ? 我 不 同 意 , 我 不 要 分 手 ! 」 Let's Go 與 Let Go , 分 別 在 於 當 中 的 主 體 「 's 」 ─ ─ Let Us Go For Love , 讓 我 們 墮 進 愛 河 ; Let Him / Her Go , 讓 他 / 她 離 去 。 進 , 需 要 共 進 ; 退 , 只 消 獨 行 。 合 , 是 兩 個 人 的 決 定 ; 離 , 一 個 人 決 定 就 夠 。 是 殘 酷 , 但 現 實 如 此 , 不 願 意 也 得 放 手 。 放 開 的 不 是 別 人 , 是 自 己 。

Monday, August 08, 2005


Actually written on 11/8

I was writing about my day off on 8th Aug last night (10/8) when my stupid laptop hung!!! Really dun know whether it's bad or not....cos I hadnt had written that much! But I am a bit worried about my laptop, it's getting a bit too hot even it's a P4 mobile...It's time to do some back up of my precious photos and lecture I wish my dear dear brother could get me a portable hard disk as an early birthday present :)

8/8 Monday...After a week of work, getting up at 10am seems to be a luxury which I only manage to afford once a week! Left home at 10.45am for a meeting at 11.30am in Sheung Wan, thought i wouldn't be able to make it in time....hehe...luckily I made a wise decision of taking no. 26 minibus first and followed by MTR. I got there at perfect time!

A thought: Siu Ly...If you ever drop by my blog and see this, I want you to know how glad I am to have you as my are always so sweet and supportive. You always try to help me whenever I need. You are one of a kind, so special and kind-hearted. And Siu Sam too...You two are such a pair of sweet couples!

After the meeting with Siu Ly's aunt, I saw a Cafe Coral at Millennium Plaza and I thought of Dad. I thought since i was in Sheung Wan and that it's about lunch time, I might well be a sweet heart and call Dad to see what he's up to.... hehehe...He said he was queuing up for food at Cafe Coral, so I went over and said hi...kaka....I was quite sure Dad was glad to see me!!!

At 2.15 pm, met up with L for afternoon tea at Cafe Lagoon back in Hung hom. Had a good chat about things in general...L looks good with her new hair style, she had it done at Hair's Way (Previous Lavon's) at a reasonable price, I needed a hair cut desperately so I went there after tea. BUT MY HAIR STYLIST WAS CRAP!!!! I AM NOT HAPPY AT ALL WITH MY HAIR RIGHT NOW!! It doesn't look bad...but what I wanted!! I told him that I wanted to keep the length and had the top of my hair thinned...he did totally the opposite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He insisted that he had cut a lot!!!! I originally wanted to do a perm next my hair isn't long enough...

Went to the gym at my clubhouse after my hair cut, just before going to meet up with KC at MK for dinner. GOING TO THE GYM HAS NOW BECOME A FIXTURE FOR MONDAY AND FRIDAY.

DINNER WITH KC at MONG KOK LANGHAM PLACE~~ I was a bit late at finding KC at FORTRESS, and he was busy chatting to a potential customer, Woah...MT really not an easy job to do...KC is so cool! When he finished, we went to Langham Place and had dinner at a Thai restaurant called THE BASIL (apparently it's a restaurant under the Maxim's group). We were seated outside the store, the atmosphere was SUPERB, we ordered some Satee, a Ton Yum Hot Pot, a Pumpkin Seafood Curry, a Pad Tai and some coconut rice....THEY WERE ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! YUM!!!!!!! Haven't had such wonderfully prepared Thai food for such a long time! Nothing in the UK could compare with these...We only finished eating at around 11pm and I got home at 11.40pm..... zzzzzz

What a day though, albeit my tiredness hasnt subsided...