Sunday, January 22, 2006


Went to see doctor again this morning... the third time within a span of 2 weeks...


Can't believe I have become so weak since my return to HK in July 05...I wonder if it's because of the air is so polluted in HK and the place is too crowded with ppl or it's because of my unsettled sadness due to TKW leading to a weaker and weaker body and soul??

When will I be fully recovered from this?

After seeing doctor, went to PARSON's and got myself some piano books of Canto Pop, havent played the piano for a long long while, it's time to raise my interests in that field again...start with some easy and light pieces first before heading to more difficult ones.

Bought a book while waiting for dinner to start at Chinese Restaurant...later found out I bought the Chinese translation of "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE". Well, if it's useful I will let you guys know.