Can never express thoroughly how grateful I feel towards everything happened so far in my life. Although slightly uneventful, it is peaceful. It's so peaceful that I start wondering if I should carry on like this...
Having gone through 23 years so far in a loving and supportive family, getting the world's best education, landed with a relatively nice first job in a big corporate without much effort, I just can't help feeling lucky. What's more I can't appreciate less is that my colleagues and seniors at both DH and KT branch are truly fantastic and nice. They are great workmates and friends, with a to-do attitude. What more can I ask for?
Deepdown I know I should push hard. Yet how to become someone I am not? Ironically, I can't figure out the question "Is this me?" myself.
Seems like I am still wasting time, burning my youth...or am I NOT? Does making a lot of dash means one is not wasting time?