Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Forward looking

The past week has been magical.
The Brussels trip, Chats with various people, Church...
Is it just because of the climate change which made a change in my thoughts and attitude?
My deep appreciation goes to my friends, family and darling.
No matter how many times I am on the verge of giving up, they are always supportive and never give up on me, just like how God has never given up on his children.
What they say to me are so meaningful.
If I have never come here, I would not have met these special people....
indeed...they are REALLY SPECIAL.
How special? They are people who really have a loving soul, a kind heart, a strong will and they are hardworking!
I feel lucky and thankful to have met them in my life.
I seem to be able to see my goal again.
It's also due to them, I decided to give church a try again.
I am in the process of finding a suitable church.

I realise I start to feel motivated again around the same time every year ...is it really due to the climate?
Well, I dun care now.
Just need to focus.

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