Saturday, June 30, 2007

Q2 is ending

1 more business day and this puts an end to 2007Q2.

This also means I will soon have spent half a year in KT branch. Evaluating my life over this half a year, on what I have gained and lost, what I can say is that I have lost nothing, nothing at all. But gaining a lot. Things which once I thought I lost is not really a lost afterall when putting things into perspectives. Obviously I have not gained WEIGHT. :P I have gained friendship, responsiveness and support, all these I value so much in my heart. My colleagues are great friends, who give me advice when I need, support when I seek, are fun to work with and are so forgiving for letting me learning from my mistakes. From the branch, I see the REAL team spirit and it's really touching just come to think of it sometimes. I know it's just work life and emotions are just unneccessary, but I simply appreciate it so much for having them around and allowing me to learn and grow. These days I have already become smarter in dealing with customers in such a way that I am now being classified as "cunning". Well, not sure if it's a good or bad thing.

My "sisters" at branch have started blogging and they urged me to resume my blogging activity...not sure if I can blog like how I used to 2 years ago, as one of my netfriend pointed out I do not blog the way I used to anymore. I know I have some sincere supporters...thanks for reading, will hope to bring more insights back into my life and hopefully yours.

On a sepearate note, I have now got 1 "GOD MOTHER" and 1 "GOD SISTER" in branch (Mei Jer and HeHe) the whole DSA team will change again for Q3, and sadly my "favourite" top sales also gotta leave our branch...SO SAD... :( The DSAs from this coming team is so hard to tame...nightmare is gonna start again.

2.30am...10am work tmr. Bch bday K night tmr...hurray!

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