Sunday, September 12, 2010


"The natural human drive towards pleasure will motivate your subconscious to find exactly what you want; simple 'cold' visualisation, without the joyous emotion is unlikely to work as effectively."

"Visualisation can help you excel in just about anything you want to. All you have to do is imagine yourself in the appropriate mode, looking exactly as you want to feel, behaving exactly as you want to behave - and succeeding."

"Nowadays, it is a firmly held psychological principle that what you rehearse in your mind is more readily available to you in real life, and visualisation coupled with deep relaxation or hypnosis is perhaps the most effective form of mind rehearsal that is available to us."

"The best way for you to feel comfortable and at ease within yourself is to simply let go of the negative associations......If you want to hang on to hate, jealousy, anger or whatever because you do not see why you should 'let somebody off';, then that is obviously entirely up to you. It make no difference to the object of your negativity, but it will severely diminish your own chances of happiness or success. How can you be happy with negative feelings inside you?"

The 'Swish' technique

"There are 4 rules that need to be observed if you are to achieve you aims. Those rules are:

1) The goal must be plausible, possible and realistic.
2) It must be suitable for your personality type.
3) You must have a clear idea of what you are seeking.
4) Positive thinking and positive doing. "

"Resistance issues are caused by a conflict of interests. What will you do when you have achieved your goal - what will life be like then? If you don't know have not felt it, dreamt of it, then you simply do not want it badly enough. You have to really want the outcome of your plans, absolutely and unconditionally, or there will be a negative thought process at work, deep in the subconscious, that will hinder you."

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