I might not have screwed up Saturday's paper, but I have definitely screwed up the one I just had this morning.
This paper was on Statistics, Experimental design and a general psychology question. I could only do the general psychology question...ie. 1/3 and 1/3 of stats of the paper....I was completely clueless on most of the stats and experimental design ...even I spent almost a week to study the stats!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!! My effort was all wasted!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Did I screw up my MEL paper?
My Medicine, Ethics and Law paper this morning went... OK...I knew Organs was gonna come up...but I didnt revise....2 organ trasplantation questions did come up!!!!!!!!!!!!!DAMN!!!!
So I was forced to do the below questions... because I have not revised other stuff...even so...I couldn't do question 1...cos I did not revise the law on Abortion...all I remember was...er..."Abortion Act"...wrote a bit about perhaps the gal was not Gillick competent, in that case, the parents can consent a treatment (in this case abortion) for her. Moreover, the school might have breached confidentiality...(but then it depends if the girl is judged to be Gillick competent or not)....sigh...4 questions out of 5...and they are not perfectly answered either...probably high 2ii/2i bounday for this.
Section A
1. Julie is a 14-year-old girl who discovers that she is pregnant. She wishes to keep this a secret for as long as possible, but eventually goes to see a community health worker at her school who advises her on the options available and makes an appointment with he BP with a view to having an abortion. A scan reveals a foetus of 25 weeks with a cleft palate. Julie's parents complain to the school that they should have been told earlier about Julie's condition, but are anxious that the abortion should go ahead. Julie's 19 year old boyfriend is adamant that it should not. Julie herself is now undecided. Advise the parties on the legal position.
Section B
5. Why does informed consent matter?
Section C
8. What allowances does the law of negligence make for trainee doctors?
9. Is there a distinction between treatment and enhancement?
10. What legal tests are, and should be, employed in deciding if an adult patient has capacity to consent to medical treatment?
So I was forced to do the below questions... because I have not revised other stuff...even so...I couldn't do question 1...cos I did not revise the law on Abortion...all I remember was...er..."Abortion Act"...wrote a bit about perhaps the gal was not Gillick competent, in that case, the parents can consent a treatment (in this case abortion) for her. Moreover, the school might have breached confidentiality...(but then it depends if the girl is judged to be Gillick competent or not)....sigh...4 questions out of 5...and they are not perfectly answered either...probably high 2ii/2i bounday for this.
Section A
1. Julie is a 14-year-old girl who discovers that she is pregnant. She wishes to keep this a secret for as long as possible, but eventually goes to see a community health worker at her school who advises her on the options available and makes an appointment with he BP with a view to having an abortion. A scan reveals a foetus of 25 weeks with a cleft palate. Julie's parents complain to the school that they should have been told earlier about Julie's condition, but are anxious that the abortion should go ahead. Julie's 19 year old boyfriend is adamant that it should not. Julie herself is now undecided. Advise the parties on the legal position.
Section B
5. Why does informed consent matter?
Section C
8. What allowances does the law of negligence make for trainee doctors?
9. Is there a distinction between treatment and enhancement?
10. What legal tests are, and should be, employed in deciding if an adult patient has capacity to consent to medical treatment?
Monday, May 23, 2005
Essay marking criteria for PART II tripos
From my department website~
NOTE: It is normal practice for answers to questions in Part II examinations to be read by two people, who are likely to differ in the extent of their expertise in the field covered by the question. A good answer will aim to address the needs of both types of reader; thus, as well as addressing (often necessarily selectively) details of recent relevant research, it will also set the subject matter in its broader context, giving appropriate consideration to the significance and historical development of the subject matter.
I will only put up the criteria for first and upper second class.
Work, which is excellent both in the range and command of the material covered and in the argument and
analysis. Work that is excellent in its understanding of the subject; that has engaged closely with the question; that has shown some originality and treated the evidence critically; that brings in relevant material from an appropriate range of sources; and that is well-planned and complete. A first class mark may be awarded on more than one set of criteria: there may be a great deal of relevant information, displaying substantial knowledge and understanding; the arguments and presentation may be stylish; the approach may be original, critical or unorthodox. An upper first would be an outstanding performance, meeting all, or virtually all, of these criteria. A low first would meet at least some of these criteria.
I know I can't get a first in the exam...even though the essays I submit during the year has been of good first level...I dun think I can reproduce similar performance in tripos. So...I just want to get a 2i...
I want a 2 i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upper Second (2i)
Work that shows a good broad-based knowledge of the topic and the lecture material; that is presented in an organised way; and clearly argued and focused on the set question. Answers at the top end of this class would often include material from outside the taught material and where relevant, from different lecture courses and would include some attempt to treat the evidence critically and to synthesise arguments. Answers at the lower end of this class would be competent, accurate in reproducing lecture material and show evidence of reading of the principal sources of published work on the subject.
NOTE: It is normal practice for answers to questions in Part II examinations to be read by two people, who are likely to differ in the extent of their expertise in the field covered by the question. A good answer will aim to address the needs of both types of reader; thus, as well as addressing (often necessarily selectively) details of recent relevant research, it will also set the subject matter in its broader context, giving appropriate consideration to the significance and historical development of the subject matter.
I will only put up the criteria for first and upper second class.
Work, which is excellent both in the range and command of the material covered and in the argument and
analysis. Work that is excellent in its understanding of the subject; that has engaged closely with the question; that has shown some originality and treated the evidence critically; that brings in relevant material from an appropriate range of sources; and that is well-planned and complete. A first class mark may be awarded on more than one set of criteria: there may be a great deal of relevant information, displaying substantial knowledge and understanding; the arguments and presentation may be stylish; the approach may be original, critical or unorthodox. An upper first would be an outstanding performance, meeting all, or virtually all, of these criteria. A low first would meet at least some of these criteria.
I know I can't get a first in the exam...even though the essays I submit during the year has been of good first level...I dun think I can reproduce similar performance in tripos. So...I just want to get a 2i...
I want a 2 i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upper Second (2i)
Work that shows a good broad-based knowledge of the topic and the lecture material; that is presented in an organised way; and clearly argued and focused on the set question. Answers at the top end of this class would often include material from outside the taught material and where relevant, from different lecture courses and would include some attempt to treat the evidence critically and to synthesise arguments. Answers at the lower end of this class would be competent, accurate in reproducing lecture material and show evidence of reading of the principal sources of published work on the subject.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Taste of FAILURE?
A column by 區樂民 dated 21st May 2005 from appledaily
失 敗 的 滋 味
一 個 病 人 對 我 說 : 「 區 醫 生 , 你 的 學 業 成 績 那 麼 好 , 一 定 不 會 明 白 失 敗 的 滋 味 。 」 他 念 中 四 , 最 近 一 次 測 驗 三 科 不 及 格 。 怎 會 不 明 白 呢 ? 我 告 訴 了 他 我 考 大 學 的 故 事 。 中 七 那 年 , 我 和 另 外 兩 個 同 學 , 報 考 英 國 劍 橋 大 學 的 醫 學 院 。 劍 橋 把 試 卷 寄 來 學 校 , 由 我 們 的 副 校 長 監 考 。 兩 個 月 後 放 榜 , 一 個 同 學 考 上 了 , 我 只 在 候 補 名 單 ; 很 少 人 會 放 棄 劍 橋 的 學 位 , 候 補 等 於 落 第 。 對 我 來 說 , 那 是 黑 暗 的 一 天 。
晚 上 , 三 叔 和 我 走 上 小 山 崗 , 他 先 打 破 沉 默 : 「 其 實 你 知 道 , 即 使 考 上 了 , 家 也 沒 有 錢 供 你 去 英 國 學 醫 。 」 「 重 點 是 我 考 不 上 , 同 學 卻 考 上 了 。 平 日 的 成 績 , 我 明 明 比 他 強 。 」 我 回 應 。 「 那 麼 這 是 個 好 機 會 , 」 三 叔 道 : 「 讓 你 反 省 失 敗 的 原 因 。 」 我 無 言 。 過 了 片 刻 , 三 叔 緩 緩 地 說 : 「 多 數 人 喜 歡 光 明 , 討 厭 黑 暗 。 你 抬 頭 看 看 有 甚 麼 ? 」 「 星 星 。 」 我 答 道 。 「 沒 有 黑 暗 , 」 三 叔 說 : 「 哪 能 看 見 美 麗 的 星 星 ? 」
Basically, the last sentence was saying ,"If there's no darkness, who could see the beautiful stars?" ==>similarly, the implication of the story for me is," If no one get crap grades, who could tell which students are better?..." So...I am here to get crap grades and let other ppl shine...haha...
失 敗 的 滋 味
一 個 病 人 對 我 說 : 「 區 醫 生 , 你 的 學 業 成 績 那 麼 好 , 一 定 不 會 明 白 失 敗 的 滋 味 。 」 他 念 中 四 , 最 近 一 次 測 驗 三 科 不 及 格 。 怎 會 不 明 白 呢 ? 我 告 訴 了 他 我 考 大 學 的 故 事 。 中 七 那 年 , 我 和 另 外 兩 個 同 學 , 報 考 英 國 劍 橋 大 學 的 醫 學 院 。 劍 橋 把 試 卷 寄 來 學 校 , 由 我 們 的 副 校 長 監 考 。 兩 個 月 後 放 榜 , 一 個 同 學 考 上 了 , 我 只 在 候 補 名 單 ; 很 少 人 會 放 棄 劍 橋 的 學 位 , 候 補 等 於 落 第 。 對 我 來 說 , 那 是 黑 暗 的 一 天 。
晚 上 , 三 叔 和 我 走 上 小 山 崗 , 他 先 打 破 沉 默 : 「 其 實 你 知 道 , 即 使 考 上 了 , 家 也 沒 有 錢 供 你 去 英 國 學 醫 。 」 「 重 點 是 我 考 不 上 , 同 學 卻 考 上 了 。 平 日 的 成 績 , 我 明 明 比 他 強 。 」 我 回 應 。 「 那 麼 這 是 個 好 機 會 , 」 三 叔 道 : 「 讓 你 反 省 失 敗 的 原 因 。 」 我 無 言 。 過 了 片 刻 , 三 叔 緩 緩 地 說 : 「 多 數 人 喜 歡 光 明 , 討 厭 黑 暗 。 你 抬 頭 看 看 有 甚 麼 ? 」 「 星 星 。 」 我 答 道 。 「 沒 有 黑 暗 , 」 三 叔 說 : 「 哪 能 看 見 美 麗 的 星 星 ? 」
Basically, the last sentence was saying ,"If there's no darkness, who could see the beautiful stars?" ==>similarly, the implication of the story for me is," If no one get crap grades, who could tell which students are better?..." So...I am here to get crap grades and let other ppl shine...haha...
Friday, May 20, 2005
1 week...Mentalising...
Why the heck i m counting down to my dying day?
I havent done much...studied loads of stats, and experimental design...
Another crazy thought...
Can someone just be evil/mean naturally? Or one has to be intentionally evil/mean?
"Naturally" as in this quality is inborn, the person has a very mean personality in general, but he/she only recognises this when he/she reaches an age of maturity. The other case would be that evilness/ mean attitude is slowly being acquired, not present at birth. Haha...this is a silly question, not particularly constructive, as it's debatable, like most other psychological/philosophical debate, another nature/nuture controversy. Most researchers stand the middle position, it's either 50:50, or each factor contributes a proportion of how we become. Even if there's evidence from genetic studies that genes do play a role in a trait, it's more like a disposition of higher chance being shaped by a particular environment factor, not like "if u have this gene, u will for sure to show this particular trait."
Anyway, that's actually not what I was really thinking about. I was thinking about how frequently we second guess about others, and how unhealthy it could be. The above question comes into play at some point. Ok, say, you second guess about someone being mean (intentionally) to you, not that you care really, but it bugs you somehow. While, in fact, that certain someone is not even awared that he/she is pissing you off, he/she has not even been mean at all. Misunderstanding causes you to second guess someone with ill intention. This is the problem. Because in order to have such second guesses, you must be ill-intentioned enough to be able to attribute such mental states that others might/might not be having. Thus, when one is able to think bad of others, one is also capable of such "bad" deeds. Are they signs of sophistication, cynicism? Yet, possessing such qualities doesn't mean one is a bad person, it's like knowing how to kill someone doesn't mean you have to go around killing people (stupid analogy)...Second guessing perhaps can come either intuitively or voluntarily. I am thinking, some people are born with this talent of second guessing (either correctly/incorrectly) , well, u can call it mentalising, this is what i mean by automatic. They are born streetwise and cunning. Some other people, rather being born with this skill, they gradually pick it up as they go through life, that's what I mean by acquiring the skill voluntarily. Or...perhaps the first kind of people i mentioned dont really have this skills inborn, just that they master this skill much faster and proficient than any other average people.
Tonight i m talking shit.
I havent done much...studied loads of stats, and experimental design...
Another crazy thought...
Can someone just be evil/mean naturally? Or one has to be intentionally evil/mean?
"Naturally" as in this quality is inborn, the person has a very mean personality in general, but he/she only recognises this when he/she reaches an age of maturity. The other case would be that evilness/ mean attitude is slowly being acquired, not present at birth. Haha...this is a silly question, not particularly constructive, as it's debatable, like most other psychological/philosophical debate, another nature/nuture controversy. Most researchers stand the middle position, it's either 50:50, or each factor contributes a proportion of how we become. Even if there's evidence from genetic studies that genes do play a role in a trait, it's more like a disposition of higher chance being shaped by a particular environment factor, not like "if u have this gene, u will for sure to show this particular trait."
Anyway, that's actually not what I was really thinking about. I was thinking about how frequently we second guess about others, and how unhealthy it could be. The above question comes into play at some point. Ok, say, you second guess about someone being mean (intentionally) to you, not that you care really, but it bugs you somehow. While, in fact, that certain someone is not even awared that he/she is pissing you off, he/she has not even been mean at all. Misunderstanding causes you to second guess someone with ill intention. This is the problem. Because in order to have such second guesses, you must be ill-intentioned enough to be able to attribute such mental states that others might/might not be having. Thus, when one is able to think bad of others, one is also capable of such "bad" deeds. Are they signs of sophistication, cynicism? Yet, possessing such qualities doesn't mean one is a bad person, it's like knowing how to kill someone doesn't mean you have to go around killing people (stupid analogy)...Second guessing perhaps can come either intuitively or voluntarily. I am thinking, some people are born with this talent of second guessing (either correctly/incorrectly) , well, u can call it mentalising, this is what i mean by automatic. They are born streetwise and cunning. Some other people, rather being born with this skill, they gradually pick it up as they go through life, that's what I mean by acquiring the skill voluntarily. Or...perhaps the first kind of people i mentioned dont really have this skills inborn, just that they master this skill much faster and proficient than any other average people.
Tonight i m talking shit.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
2 weeks
Recent plans (when I should be working...damn!)
DUBLIN , Ireland (8th June???) taking RyanAir would be so cheap! 27 GBP return.
Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance (Bodensee) in Southern Germany (11th -15th June) for sure. WITH THE USUAL GANG...haha...SAMLYKAIDA!
I wanna go to PARIS, France too...but I dun think I will plan that till 3rd June.
And today in department, Kai-En showed me a website of a new band (not really rock band, but a singing quartet) called IL DIVO... OMG....THEY ARE FANTASTIC! OPERA SINGERS WITH GOOD LOOKS!!! SO IN LOVE WITH THEM....LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!! GO to http://www.ildivo.com
OMG...so distracted.
DUBLIN , Ireland (8th June???) taking RyanAir would be so cheap! 27 GBP return.
Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance (Bodensee) in Southern Germany (11th -15th June) for sure. WITH THE USUAL GANG...haha...SAMLYKAIDA!
I wanna go to PARIS, France too...but I dun think I will plan that till 3rd June.
And today in department, Kai-En showed me a website of a new band (not really rock band, but a singing quartet) called IL DIVO... OMG....THEY ARE FANTASTIC! OPERA SINGERS WITH GOOD LOOKS!!! SO IN LOVE WITH THEM....LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!! GO to http://www.ildivo.com
OMG...so distracted.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Panic attack!
Today got this shitty feeling that I dun have enough time to learn what I need to know what the exam... I might (will) fail!!!!
Walking back home in the rain at around 8pm...
Feeling so down right now...
All I need is a hug, someone pad me at the back saying ,"it's ok, don't worry."...let me just cry in someone's arms...
Walking back home in the rain at around 8pm...
Feeling so down right now...
All I need is a hug, someone pad me at the back saying ,"it's ok, don't worry."...let me just cry in someone's arms...
Monday, May 09, 2005
sunday =/= sunny day (Happy Mother's Day)
Bumped into Wilson on C4 bus two days ago...hehe...to Wilson," Thank you so much for the Hello Kitty Lip Gloss u got in NY... So surprised that u carry it around with u!!!!" ^^
The weather these two days has been really weird, one moment there is sun, the next moment it's raining, hailing with thunderstorm.
I must work harder and faster... At the moment it's too slow and I have tonnes to revise...rather, to learn for the first time.
At this inappropriate time, I am thinking much about men in general. Mean ones, horrible ones, lovely ones, sweet ones, perfect ones...
Women always say," Loads of men would be so nice to u, so enthusiatic, saying every sweet thing they can think of... just to get u laid, and once u have slept with them, their attitude changes by 180 degrees." Not that I have had such experience *wink*, but I do think it has some truth in it, since it's a piece of wisdom passed on from generation to generation. Women feel so bad perhaps not just becos the guys are irresponsible, but perhaps also the feeling of loss of attention, doubts about whether she had lost attractiveness? Simply, i guess humans (I do think it's not just women) in general likes others showing attention , affection, notice...etc. to them (as a kind of positive reinforcement). One may say," I am not an attention seeker." Fair enough, one may not be actively seeking this positive reinforcement, nevertheless, I believe one wouldn't resist it if it's there either. And then once one has it (the attention), one will get spoilt and feeling low when deprived of it.....so is the attention we are getting from others a bad thing? How not to get spoilt? How to make oneself becoming immune to the low feeling when the attention level from others is decreasing? By changing perspectives or by seeking for even more "sources" of attention? Hahaha...don't you think it's a very interesting area to contemplate on?
OK, so horrible men would do this "sleep & leave" thing, what about lovely, sweet and perfect ones??? How should they be like? I don't know how many gals would agree with me here. For me, an ideal, perfect guy should be...
TALL- i.e. 5'10 or above;
SMART- i.e. studying or have had studied some really hardcore subjects at university, such as Maths, Science (physics in particular), Medicine, Law... The whole reason for this is that a perfect guy must be intellectual and must be able to cope with the harsh demands of the course.
MUSICAL- can play at least one musical instrument to advance level , I love watching a guy playing a musical instrument, piano is best!
SPORTY- good at a sport or martial arts (black belt)...anything is cool, just not too dangerous...tennis, swimming, basketball, football, kendo, taekwondo, thai boxing.
GREAT PERSONALITY- easygoing yet have principles...
KIND- Kindness is important, must show mercy and thoughtfulness in everything he undertakes.
LOYAL- isnt' that pretty obvious? Don't flirt around even he knows he's pretty perfect (ie he should be humble), little bit shy is sweet!!!
CLEAN- good personal hygiene, no bad breath!
GOOD TASTE IN EVERYTHING- a bit too much??? maybe...clothes? food? idea of comfort?
ROMANTIC and SWEET- know how to please a gal;
AMBITIOUS- has good heart which wants to do good for the world;
GOOD IN BED- haha...winkwink, not that it's a must, but Mr. PERFECT wouldnt be perfect if he's not, right?
RICH?? I don't think MR. PERFECT needs to be excessively rich, just enough to afford a comfortable, simple and healthy life, doesnt need to be luxurious, and be able raise a couple of kids properly would be great.
Hm....that's probably it....wouldnt that be great if such men really exist in this world in vast quantities??? :D
I wonder when there are many of them around, will we women become even more pickier??? I smile just by thinking of an ideal perfect man. How wonderful it must be....
WAKE UP NOW!!! DING DING...back to reality...exams coming up in 3 weeks. Stop daydreaming!
The weather these two days has been really weird, one moment there is sun, the next moment it's raining, hailing with thunderstorm.
I must work harder and faster... At the moment it's too slow and I have tonnes to revise...rather, to learn for the first time.
At this inappropriate time, I am thinking much about men in general. Mean ones, horrible ones, lovely ones, sweet ones, perfect ones...
Women always say," Loads of men would be so nice to u, so enthusiatic, saying every sweet thing they can think of... just to get u laid, and once u have slept with them, their attitude changes by 180 degrees." Not that I have had such experience *wink*, but I do think it has some truth in it, since it's a piece of wisdom passed on from generation to generation. Women feel so bad perhaps not just becos the guys are irresponsible, but perhaps also the feeling of loss of attention, doubts about whether she had lost attractiveness? Simply, i guess humans (I do think it's not just women) in general likes others showing attention , affection, notice...etc. to them (as a kind of positive reinforcement). One may say," I am not an attention seeker." Fair enough, one may not be actively seeking this positive reinforcement, nevertheless, I believe one wouldn't resist it if it's there either. And then once one has it (the attention), one will get spoilt and feeling low when deprived of it.....so is the attention we are getting from others a bad thing? How not to get spoilt? How to make oneself becoming immune to the low feeling when the attention level from others is decreasing? By changing perspectives or by seeking for even more "sources" of attention? Hahaha...don't you think it's a very interesting area to contemplate on?
OK, so horrible men would do this "sleep & leave" thing, what about lovely, sweet and perfect ones??? How should they be like? I don't know how many gals would agree with me here. For me, an ideal, perfect guy should be...
TALL- i.e. 5'10 or above;
SMART- i.e. studying or have had studied some really hardcore subjects at university, such as Maths, Science (physics in particular), Medicine, Law... The whole reason for this is that a perfect guy must be intellectual and must be able to cope with the harsh demands of the course.
MUSICAL- can play at least one musical instrument to advance level , I love watching a guy playing a musical instrument, piano is best!
SPORTY- good at a sport or martial arts (black belt)...anything is cool, just not too dangerous...tennis, swimming, basketball, football, kendo, taekwondo, thai boxing.
GREAT PERSONALITY- easygoing yet have principles...
KIND- Kindness is important, must show mercy and thoughtfulness in everything he undertakes.
LOYAL- isnt' that pretty obvious? Don't flirt around even he knows he's pretty perfect (ie he should be humble), little bit shy is sweet!!!
CLEAN- good personal hygiene, no bad breath!
GOOD TASTE IN EVERYTHING- a bit too much??? maybe...clothes? food? idea of comfort?
ROMANTIC and SWEET- know how to please a gal;
AMBITIOUS- has good heart which wants to do good for the world;
GOOD IN BED- haha...winkwink, not that it's a must, but Mr. PERFECT wouldnt be perfect if he's not, right?
RICH?? I don't think MR. PERFECT needs to be excessively rich, just enough to afford a comfortable, simple and healthy life, doesnt need to be luxurious, and be able raise a couple of kids properly would be great.
Hm....that's probably it....wouldnt that be great if such men really exist in this world in vast quantities??? :D
I wonder when there are many of them around, will we women become even more pickier??? I smile just by thinking of an ideal perfect man. How wonderful it must be....
WAKE UP NOW!!! DING DING...back to reality...exams coming up in 3 weeks. Stop daydreaming!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
1 month
ONE more month to go and it will be over...so OVER..GAME OVER.
Havent updated my blog for awhile, these days I have been working like a mad woman on my dissertation. I am pleased and relieved now because I just handed it in today perfectly on time. It was mad...I underestimated the workload, and it had taken me much longer than I thought! The deadline was 4pm today, I was still working on my first draft 3 days ago!!!!!!!!! I got my first draft done at 7pm on Friday 29th April, emailed it to my supervisor, who is the head of my department..a Professor!!!! I apologised for getting my first draft so late, hoping that he would kindly read it...not that I had much hope anyway. Because he could have said I had been too late and refused to read it. Luckily, he did get back to me very promptly (within 4 hours!) My gosh, so fast!!!!!!!!!! His position as the Head of Department and Professor is well-deserved man!!! Incredible! He emailed me and said "Yes, you are a bit late. But you have produced in my view a very good dissertation...." He then suggested a few points how I could improve on my work. I was thrilled! All these times I think so shitty about myself and the work I do...The approval of the Head of Department (a renowned researcher) was indeed a highlight of my month!
After finishing my first draft of my dissertation, I watched "Bride and Prejudice", thanks F for the CD! I love it to bits...all the music, singing and dances, so uplifting...and I am starting to like indians now...Aishwarya Rai is sooooooooo beautiful, she was Miss World 1994 and she is just amazing and charming...she is indeed the most beautiful woman alive on earth as Julia Roberts said. I also like Naveen Andrews, what a handsome, charming indian.
Nothing much happened in April yet so much seemed to have happened. The whole month I have been working on that dissertation...I started going to church again, but skipped 2 weeks ( I was in london for the sunday before last, and then I was too tired to get up for the sunday just past)...oops...must go again this sunday. My faith goes up and down, my view on my relationship also goes up and down too. I am not even sure whether I am hopeful or not, and I dont seem to care anymore which is scary. I am changing... becoming more and more cynical, but not yet know what is to become of me. I wonder how darling feels right now? I am getting mad just becos I am too sick of everything and exams are coming? POSSIBLY.I want to maintain my sanity...
Today is gonna be my last day to "hea" as I just finished my dissertation, tomorrow I will start to work really hard. So I don't know when I will update this because I really should focus on my work now... My exams start on 28th May and ends on 3rd June. I need luck...just give me 60% so that I can get a 2 i.....it's all I want. PLS~~~~~
Havent updated my blog for awhile, these days I have been working like a mad woman on my dissertation. I am pleased and relieved now because I just handed it in today perfectly on time. It was mad...I underestimated the workload, and it had taken me much longer than I thought! The deadline was 4pm today, I was still working on my first draft 3 days ago!!!!!!!!! I got my first draft done at 7pm on Friday 29th April, emailed it to my supervisor, who is the head of my department..a Professor!!!! I apologised for getting my first draft so late, hoping that he would kindly read it...not that I had much hope anyway. Because he could have said I had been too late and refused to read it. Luckily, he did get back to me very promptly (within 4 hours!) My gosh, so fast!!!!!!!!!! His position as the Head of Department and Professor is well-deserved man!!! Incredible! He emailed me and said "Yes, you are a bit late. But you have produced in my view a very good dissertation...." He then suggested a few points how I could improve on my work. I was thrilled! All these times I think so shitty about myself and the work I do...The approval of the Head of Department (a renowned researcher) was indeed a highlight of my month!
After finishing my first draft of my dissertation, I watched "Bride and Prejudice", thanks F for the CD! I love it to bits...all the music, singing and dances, so uplifting...and I am starting to like indians now...Aishwarya Rai is sooooooooo beautiful, she was Miss World 1994 and she is just amazing and charming...she is indeed the most beautiful woman alive on earth as Julia Roberts said. I also like Naveen Andrews, what a handsome, charming indian.
Nothing much happened in April yet so much seemed to have happened. The whole month I have been working on that dissertation...I started going to church again, but skipped 2 weeks ( I was in london for the sunday before last, and then I was too tired to get up for the sunday just past)...oops...must go again this sunday. My faith goes up and down, my view on my relationship also goes up and down too. I am not even sure whether I am hopeful or not, and I dont seem to care anymore which is scary. I am changing... becoming more and more cynical, but not yet know what is to become of me. I wonder how darling feels right now? I am getting mad just becos I am too sick of everything and exams are coming? POSSIBLY.I want to maintain my sanity...
Today is gonna be my last day to "hea" as I just finished my dissertation, tomorrow I will start to work really hard. So I don't know when I will update this because I really should focus on my work now... My exams start on 28th May and ends on 3rd June. I need luck...just give me 60% so that I can get a 2 i.....it's all I want. PLS~~~~~
Retook the test at http://www.okcupid.com , I am now....
Deliberate Gentle Love Master (DGLMf)
Charismatic, affectionate, and terrific in relationships, you are what many guys would call a "perfect catch"--and you probably have many admirers, each wishing to capture your long-term love. You're careful, extra careful, because the last thing you want is to hurt anyone. Especially some poor boy whose only crime was liking you.
Your exact opposite: Half-cocked Random Brutal Sex Dreamer |
Your biggest negative is the byproduct of your careful nature: indecision. You're just as slow rejecting someone as you are accepting them.
ALWAYS AVOID: The False Messiah, The 5-Night Stand, The Vapor Trail, The Bachelor
CONSIDER: The Gentleman, someone just like you.
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