Monday, May 23, 2005

Essay marking criteria for PART II tripos

From my department website~

NOTE: It is normal practice for answers to questions in Part II examinations to be read by two people, who are likely to differ in the extent of their expertise in the field covered by the question. A good answer will aim to address the needs of both types of reader; thus, as well as addressing (often necessarily selectively) details of recent relevant research, it will also set the subject matter in its broader context, giving appropriate consideration to the significance and historical development of the subject matter.

I will only put up the criteria for first and upper second class.

Work, which is excellent both in the range and command of the material covered and in the argument and
analysis. Work that is excellent in its understanding of the subject; that has engaged closely with the question; that has shown some originality and treated the evidence critically; that brings in relevant material from an appropriate range of sources; and that is well-planned and complete. A first class mark may be awarded on more than one set of criteria: there may be a great deal of relevant information, displaying substantial knowledge and understanding; the arguments and presentation may be stylish; the approach may be original, critical or unorthodox. An upper first would be an outstanding performance, meeting all, or virtually all, of these criteria. A low first would meet at least some of these criteria.

I know I can't get a first in the exam...even though the essays I submit during the year has been of good first level...I dun think I can reproduce similar performance in tripos. So...I just want to get a 2i...

I want a 2 i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Upper Second (2i)
Work that shows a good broad-based knowledge of the topic and the lecture material; that is presented in an organised way; and clearly argued and focused on the set question. Answers at the top end of this class would often include material from outside the taught material and where relevant, from different lecture courses and would include some attempt to treat the evidence critically and to synthesise arguments. Answers at the lower end of this class would be competent, accurate in reproducing lecture material and show evidence of reading of the principal sources of published work on the subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm... seems like some grading policy.. but there is not much difference between "first" and "2i" ... hehe... anyways.. do well.. 26th today... so two days to go!!