Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I want to go back to new block...

I hate this house (Hammond House) right now!

Noisy selfish neighbour(s) talking at 3 am in the morning when I was trying to sleep.I don't wanna go and tell them to keep it down as it will not make me "popular" among them, well, i don't belong here anyway.

Yes, I really should not need to tell them to keep it down, because they should be considerate and sensible themselves as adults, ...but the thing is...I notice so many people are so selfish and egocentric!! They being selfish and cause other people's discomfort, and then if other people tell them that they have been inconsiderate, they think the other people have problems, not them...
2nd hand smoke leaking through my door, I believe someone who lives next to me smokes..(and not just smoking normal cigarettes...)

I am so sick of these! I wanna get my body clock back to normal, but staying at this house forbids me from doing so! And my college severly exploits the rights of its students which I am also furious about. I should really be back in my room in newblock by now! BUT I AM NOT THERE YET!! I have got so much anger and frustration in me.

My thoughts these days have been negative, while I know I should not have such thoughts, I could not help having them.

Today chat to mum, and she said she had been feeling pretty down after Glenn 's departure for school. I felt quite sorry, and I feel even stronger that I really should head back to HK after Cambridge. It's like it's time for me to take up the responsibility to look after my parents and be giving them $$$, since my parents had paid a fortune for me to come and study here... Meanwhile, the fact that I have been underachieving for the past month (perhaps even year) left me feeling guilty, I felt I have failed their hope. But I just do not feel motivated, and have been feeling depressed. I feel a big burden...I know I should just do my best and not thinking too much, but I feel so weak. i want some physical comfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post after post reveals your dedication... be it for your family... your friends... or your boyfriend.... you really need a pat on your back for being such a good human being...

and I need sleep.. hehe